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A. Guran
Prof. Ardeshir Guran
Professor Ardeshir Guran received his basic education in Medicine (Tehran University, Medical School) and in Structural Engineering (Aryamehr University of Technology). Received postgraduate degrees from McGill University (MEng in Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics), MMath (in Mathematics), and PhD (in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) both from the University of Toronto. He was a post doctoral fellow at US Army Research office, Triangle Park, in North Carolina, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (Virginia Polytechnic Institute), Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Catholic University of America) and Full Professor of Electricaring Engineering (University of Southern California). He also was an invited professor (with the rank of full professor) at the University of Bordeaux (France), Johannes Kepler University (Austria), Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Tbilisi State University (Georgia). In 1996 he recieved the award of French ministry of higher education and research. In 2002 he recieved the certificate of distinction for both his teaching and research from the rector of the Johannes Kepler University (Austria). Dr. Guran was the plenary speaker in many scientific meetings including Second Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (Amitans 2010), Tenth International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP 2011), Seventeenth Czeck International Conference on Engineering Mechanics (IM 2001), Second Georgian International Conference on Nonclassical Problems of Mechanics (2012) Fouth International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (29th Yugoslavian, 2013), XVIII. Slovak - Polish International Scientific Conference on Machine Modeling and Simulation (MMS 2013). His book on Theory of Elasticity (co-author Teodor Atanackovic) and published by Birkhauser first in 2000 is translated into French, Russian, Serbian and Georgian languages. Professor Guran is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of series on Stability, Vibrations and Control of Systems.
A. Rodić
Prof. Aleksandar Rodić
Professor Aleksandar Rodić (1960) received BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1985, MSc and PhDdegrees in Electrical Engineering successively in 1992 and 1998 from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Since 1987 he is with IMP Robotics Laboratory where he is currently at position Head of Department. Primary research interests of Prof. Rodić are in areas of robotics, bio-inspired and large scale dynamic systems, control and stability, cognitive autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, human-machine interface, etc. He is author of more than 100 scientific journal and conference papers, several research monographs and thematic books, editor of several books by Springer, member of editorial boards of three scientific journals. He chaired international scientific meeting MeSRoB2013 and he is member of the Scientific Board of the leading national conference on robotics and automation - ETRAN.Twice (2001/2002, 2005) he was guest researcher at the TU Braunschweig (Germany) as Alexander von Humboldt research fellow, Visiting professor at the University of Reunion, France (2004-2014), Adjunct professor of the University of Szeged (Hungary) in 2009. Currently, Prof. Rodić teaches robotics and autonomous systems at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade at the doctoral studies. He is member of National Scientific Council for Technology Development in Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics with Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development. Prof. Rodić coordinates three international research projects and few national innovation projects.
R. Bars
Professor Ruth Bars
Professor Ruth Bars graduated at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Budapest University of Technology, Hungary. She has got the doctor of the university degree, and gained the Candidate of Sciences degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and PhD degree based on research on predictive control algorithms. Currently she is honorary professor at the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Her research interests are in predictive control and in developing new ways of control education. She has more than 100 publications. She is the coauthor of book Predictive Control in Process Engineering, from the basics to the applications by R. Haber, R. Bars, U. Schmitz, WILEY-VCH, 2011. She is teaching different basic and advanced control courses. She has published with co-authors several university lecture notes and textbooks including MATLAB exercises for control education. She was the coauthor of professor Frigyes Csáki writing the first Hungarian textbook entitled Automatika, which had 6 editions. Recently a new textbook has been published with coauthors on the basics of control engineering including also newer conceptions (in Hungarian and in English). In 1983 she participated in the project of the NSF and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on computer control of industrial processes at the University of Minnesota, USA. In 1999, 2003 and 2006 she was a visiting lecturer at the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland and in 2002 at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA giving short PhD courses in predictive control. In 2008 she participated in a Marie Curie project at the University of Sevilla related to predictive control. Between 1996 and 2002 she was the head of the IFAC TC on Optimal Control. From 2002 to 2008 she served IFAC as the head of the Coordinating Committee on Design Methods. She has gained the Frigyes Csáki medal of the Hungarian Scientific Society for Automation, Measurement Technics and Informatics, 1990 and the award for excellent work from the Ministry of Education. In 2008 she has gained the IFAC Outstanding Service Award.
Y. Morimoto
Prof. Yoshiharu Morimoto
Proffessor Yoshiharu Morimoto (Nickname: Harry Moiré) is currently Emeritus Professor at Wakayama University, Chairman of 4D Sensor Inc., and Representative Director of Moire Institute Inc. He is developing 3D shape and deformation measurement systems.He graduated Master course of Osaka University, Japan in 1968 and received Dr. Eng. from Osaka University in 1981. His major field of study is experimental mechanics and image processing.He joined Komatsu Ltd. in 1968. He returned Osaka University as Associate Researcher in 1974. He moved to Wakayama University in 1995.He was Professor of Dept. of Opto-Mechatronics, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, Japan. He was also Vice-President and Executive Director for Research & University Liaison of Wakayama University,He retired from Wakayama University in 2009 and established Moire Institute Inc. in 2009, and 4D Sensor Inc. in 2012. He is Fellow of SEM, former Executive Board Member of SEM, Fellow of JSME, Honorary member of JSEM, the former President of JSEM and former Chairman of Asian Committee for Experimental Mechanics. He received awards, from JSNDI, JSME, JSP, SEM and JSEM.His current and previous interests are following measurement methods for shape, deformation, stress and strain:
(1) Scanning moiré method using TV camera
(2) Phase analysis methods using Fourier, wavelet or Gabor transforms
(3) Strain rate distribution measurement by a high-speed video camera
(4) Real-time integrated phase-shifting method
(5) High-speed and accurate methods using multi-reference planes, a DMD, a linear image sensor, or a frequency modulated grating
(6) Real-time simultaneous measurement for two-directional stress or strain distributions
(7) Accurate 3D displacement and strain measurement by phase-shifting digital holographic interferometry.
(8) 3D shape measurement using whole space tabulation method and LED light sources.
(9) Shadow moire method using light source stepping method
M. Filipović
Prof. Mirjana Filipović
Graduate studies
- Ph.D. degree, 2007: Thesis: "Contribution to modeling of flexibility of active mechanisms with special emphasis on humanoid robots", School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Veljko Potkonjak
- M.Sc. degree, 1998: Thesis: "Analysis of dynamic accuracy of manipulation robots", School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Supervisor: academician Miomir Vukobratović
Undergraduate study
- B.Sc. degree, 1978: Department for Automation at the Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Grujić
Primary Interest of Research - General fields
- Modeling
- Mathematics
- Mechanics
- Flexibility
- Control
- Programming
Particular Areas
- Robotics
- Theory of oscillations, Theory of flexibility, Flexibility of links, Flexibility of gears, expansion of Euler-Bernoulli equation from several aspects
- Theory of non-linear systems
- Robot Kinematics, Dynamics, Control, Navigation, Identification, Modeling and Simulation of industrial, humanoid and aerial robotic systems
- Humanoid Robots, Humanoid Robots systems with and without elasticity elements, Humanoid Robot system walking on an immobile or mobile platform (with or without elasticity elements), Implementation of elasticity in foot sole of humanoids, Implementation of coupling between biped and platform
- Aerial camera systems, Cable-suspended Parallel Robots hanged on four points
- Planning trajectory
- Software, Analysis, Simulations
Relevant Engineering and Scientific - Research Projects
- The development of cells and systems of high automated and robotized capacities for packing in food industry, 1998-2000, a team member.
- Use of IR heaters within ceramic product drying process, 2001.
- Simulation and Experimental Platform for Design and Control of Service Robots, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, 2001-2004
- Dynamics and Control of High Performance Humanoid Robots – Theory and Application, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, 2005-2007
- Development of High Performance Humanoid Robots, Innovation Project, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia,, 2006-2007
- Humanoid Robotic Systems – Theory and Application, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia, 2008-2010
- Ambient Intelligent Service Robots of Anthropomorphic Characteristics, Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Serbia TR 35003, 2011-2015
- Creative Alliances in Robotics Research and Education Focused on Medical and Service Robotics (CARE-Robotics), IZ74Z0_137361/1, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Scientific Cooperation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland (SCOPES program), 2011-2014
Petar, B. Petrović
Prof. Petar, B. Petrović
Professor Petar B. PETROVIĆ (1958) received BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1982, MSc and PhDdegrees in Mechanical Engineering in 1989 and 1996 from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He started professional career in 1982 as a design engineer of CNC machine tools at machine tool factory Ivo-Lola-Ribar Belgrade. Since 1984 he is with Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Eng., University of Belgrade, present position: Full Professor and Head of CyberManufacturing Systems Laboratory. Teaching: Undergraduate studies - Engineering Cybernetics, Manufacturing systems design, Computer Control Systems and Monitoring, Mechatronics systems, Industrial Assembly Systems; Graduate studies - Engineering Measurements (MSc), Automatic assembly systems (MSc), Intelligent Automation, (PhD), Mechatronics and Adaptronics (PhD). Primary research interests of Prof. Petrović are in areas of: Intelligent manufacturing systems and automatic assembly/disassembly design, Modeling and control of industrial robots, Robot force and visual feedback, Human robot interaction and interfacing, Soft computing / Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning, Cybernetics and General systems theory + Cyber-Physical Systems. International cooperation: Fraunhofer Institute for Production Engineering - IPA, Stuttgart, Germany; Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI) of Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka, Japan; Fraunhofer Institute of Technology IPT, Aachen, Germany; Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Germany; Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Berlin, Germany; Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management, Technische Universität München, Germany. He is full member of Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences – AINS, and member of National Scientific Council for Technology Development in Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics with Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development. He is author of more than 140 scientific journal and conference papers, several research monographs and thematic books. He was coordinator at over 25 R&D projects in the field of production engineering, industrial automation, measurement and control.
J. Gwinner
Proffesor Joachim Gwinner
Degrees Held:
1969 - 1973 Study of mathematics and computer science at the University Stuttgart
3.12. 1973 Diplom in mathematics
30. 8. 1978 Promotion to Dr. sc. math. (Ph.D.) (Supervisor: Professor Dr. W. Oettli) at University Mannheim
12. 7. 1989 Habilitation in mathematics at Technical University Darmstadt (Referees: Prof. Dr. J. Frehse, Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, Prof. Dr. E. Meister)
Positions Held:
1974 - 1979 Assistent with Professor Dr. W. Oettli, Faculty of Mathematics, University Mannheim, Germany
1979 - 1985 Mathematician and computation engineer with Research and Development, Daimler - Benz AG (”Mercedes”), Stuttgart, Germany
1985 - 1990 Hochschulassistent (Assistant Professor), Department of Mathematics, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
1.8.89 - 30.9.89 Visiting Fellow at the School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales, Australia
1990 - 1993 Acting Full Professor of Applied Mathematics at University Hannover and University Erlangen, Germany
1. 10. 2002 - Dean of Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,
31. 9. 2004 University of the Federal Army Munich, Germany
Present Position:
1. 8. 1993 - Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, University of the Federal Army Munich, Germany