Accepted Papers
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Accepted paper list till 24/05/2014 (in alphabetical order by title)
Review process is still going on and other papers will be announced shortly after acceptance decision
Active Vibration Control of Composite Beam Using a Strain Gages Sensor and Piezoelectric Patch Actuator
Miroslav M Jovanović1, Aleksandar M Simonović2, Nemanja D Zorić2, Nebojša S Lukić1, Slobodan N Stupar2, Ardeshir Guran3
1Serbian Armed Forces, Technical Test Center , Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
3Institute of Structronics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Construction Type Cable-Suspended Parallel Robot, CPR System Conditions the Complexity of its Mathematical Model
Mirjana M. Filipovic
Mihailo Pupin Institute, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Control Algorithms Applied on Mathematical Model of Diesel Engine
J. Lozanovic Sajic1 and S. Petrovic2
1Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, e-mail:
2Ministry of Defence, Department of Logistics (J-4) of SAF, Belgrade, Serbia
Control Structures, Control Algorithms, Predictive Control
Ruth Bars1 and László Keviczky2
1Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and MTA-BME Control Engineering Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
2Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
and MTA-BME Control Engineering Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
Effectiveness of active vibration control on smart plate using a PID controller
Nebojša S Lukić1, Aleksandar M Simonović2, Nemanja D Zorić2, Slobodan N Stupar2, Miroslav M Jovanović1, Slobodan S Ilić1
1Serbian Armed Forces, Technical Test Center, Belgrade, Serbia
2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Free Vibration Analysis of Plate Assemblies using Dynamic Stiffness Method
Miloš M. Jočković1, Marija T. Nefovska – Danilović1, Mira M. Petronijević1
1Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Impact of Bearing and Coupling Stiffness on Characteristics of Rotary System Vibrations
E. Nezirić1 , S. Isić1, V. Doleček2 and I. Karabegović3
1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University “Džemal Bijedić” Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
3Faculty of Technical Engineering University of Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Influence of Mass lumping Techniques on Contact Pressure Oscillations in Explicit Finite Element Contact-impact Algorithm Based on Isogeometric Analysis with NURBS
Ján Kopačka1, Dušan Gabriel1, Jiří Plešek1, Radek Kolman1
1Institution of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i.,Czech Republic
Instabilities in the Solution of Engineering Problems by using Taylor Series and Other Approaches
M. Razzaghi
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University, USA.
Investigation of the Strong Turbulence in the Geospace Environment
Khatuna Chargazia1,2, Oleg Kharshiladze2
1M. Nodia Institute of Geophysics, Georgia,
2Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Georgia
Investigation of Tire as a Composite Structure
Jan Krmela1,2, Vladimíra Krmelová1
1Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovak Republic
2Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Light-source-stepping Method for Measuring Shape of Moving Object
Y. Morimoto, A. Masaya and A. Takagi
4D Sensor Inc., and Wakayama Universit, Japan
Maintenance in 21th Century, Approach to Smart Based on Smart Sensors and Infor-mation Systems, an overview to efforts
S. Petrović1 J. Lozanović Šajić2, M. Manić 3 and V. Radonjic 4
1 Ministry of Defense, Department of Logistics (J-4) of SAF Belgrade, Serbia
2 Innnovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
3 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Uniiversity of Niš, Serbia
4 Technical Overhauling Institution, Čačak, Serbia
Numerical Investigation of the Mixed-layer Seasonal Peculiarities for the Black Sea
D. Kvaratskhelia and D. Demetrashvili
M. Nodia Institute Geophysics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
On the Global Minimum Time in the Brachistochronic Motion of Chaplygin Sleigh
A. Obradovic and R. Radulovic
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije
Optimum Reduction of Lateral Vibrations of Rotors by Application of Semiactive Damping Devices
J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Second-Order Decomposition Principle for A Scleronomic Mechanical System
Miloš M. Živanović
Engine Development and Production, Belgrade, Serbia
The Choice Of Generalized Coordinates For Elastic Robotic Systems (Industrial, Humanoid And Cable-Suspended Parallel Robot)
Mirjana M. Filipovic1, Ana M. Djuric2, Ljubinko B. Kevac3
1Mihailo Pupin Institute, University of Belgrade, Volgina 15, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia,
2Wayne State University, Detroit, U.S.A.
3Innovation center, School of Electrical Engineering, The University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
The Dynamic Response Analysis of a 2-DOF Robotic Mechanism for a Complex Trajectory
Ljubinko B. Kevac1, Mirjana M. Filipovic2, Ana M. Djuric3
1Innovation center, School of Electrical Engineering, The University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia,
2Mihajlo Pupin Institute, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia,
3Wayne State University Detroit, U.S.A
The New Methodology For Assessment Of Involute Gears Stability
Ivana D. Atanasovska1, Radivoje Mitrović2, Dejan B. Momčilović3
1Institute Kirilo Savić, Belgrade
2Faculty of mechanical engineering, University of Belgrade
3Institutе for testing of materials, Belgrade, Serbia
Transverse Vibration of Rectangular Mindlin Plate Using Spectral Element Method
Kolarević Nevenka, Nefovska-Danilović Marija, Petronijević Mira
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
Variational Modelling in Non-Smooth Continuum Mechanics and Stability Results
J. Gwinner
Institut fuer Mathematik und Rechneranwendung Fakultaet fuer Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Neubiberg, Germany